This Friday, October 13, the group of rural schools “Nativo” visited us, constituted by schools No. 33, 64, 62, 120, 103 from the northwest area of the Department of Colonia, Uruguay. It was a beautiful morning, with a cool breeze and bright sunshine that conspired to allow us to run, play, walk in “brigades” and discover everything that the Centro Emmanuel is and does. Particularly, the “Nativo” group came with the interest of learning about the EL REPIQUE campaign, so we got to work and went to the biological corridor projected in the eastern sector of the Centro: here we learned about the native flora, such as Trees are a refuge for other species and help form an ecosystem, just as the crescents of earth help retain the water that flows down the slope of the meadows… And how to plant!

– Chas chas chas – we all applauded – chaschas! (playing with claps a typical rhythm of Uruguay called Candombe) and invited us to continue clapping so that more people join in this beautiful task of promoting biodiversity, recovering our native flora. We played again, this time we were lantana plants – another native species – that we had to attract the monarch butterflies to help us pollinate… what a fun way to learn!

Finally, we toured the dairy farm, the orchard, and the greenhouse and learned about the tasks carried out by the Center to promote agroecology from practice and sustainable production.